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Code of Integrity and Compliance




董事长致辞Chairman's Statements

一、 诚信合规基本要求Basic requirements for integrity and compliance 7

二、 公司与员工Company and employees

(一)建立和谐劳动关系Establish harmonious labor relations

(二)创造良好工作环境Create a favorable working environment

(三)避免利益冲突Avoid conflicts of interest

三、 公司与商业伙伴Companies and business partners

(一)只与合规的商业伙伴合作Cooperate with compliant business partners only

(二)禁止不正当竞争行为Prohibition of unfair competition

(三)禁止商业贿赂等不正当行为Prohibition of misconducts including commercial bribery 20

(四)遵守反垄断法律法规Compliance with anti-monopoly laws and regulations 5

(五)遵守反洗钱法律法规Compliance with anti-money laundering laws and regulations 6

(六)遵守贸易管制相关法规Compliance with laws and administrative regulations regarding trade 7

四、 公司与政府、地方社区Companies and governments, local communities 9

(一)禁止腐败行为Prohibition of corrupt practices 9

(二)加强与政府的沟通Strengthen communication with the government 4

(三)支持社区公益事业Support community public welfare undertakings 4

(四)尊重地方风俗习惯和宗教信仰Respect local customs and religious beliefs 5

五、 职业健康、安全环保及质量管理Occupational health, safety, environmental protection and quality management 6

(一)守护职业健康Protect occupational health 6

(二)严守安全生产红线底线Strictly comply with the bottom line and red line of safety production 7

(三)保护生态环境Protect the ecological environment 9

(四)改进和提升质量Improve and enhance quality 40

(五)严格承包商和供应商管理Strictly manage contractors and suppliers 40

六、 资产与财税管理Asset and tax management 41

(一)正确使用和保护公司资产Correctly use and protect the Company's assets 41

(二)保护知识产权Protection of intellectual property 2

(三)严格执行财税制度Strictly implement the fiscal and taxation system 4

七、 信息保护Information protection 6

(一)严格涉密信息管理Strictly manage confidential information 7

(二)依法收集使用信息Collect and use information in accordance with law 8

(三)重视网络信息安全Attach importance to network information security 9

(四)依法披露信息Disclosure of information in accordance with law 50

(五)禁止内幕交易Prohibition of insider trading 50

八、 关于本准则About this Code

(一)为什么要制定《诚信合规手册》Why we develop the Code of Integrity and Compliance 52

(二)哪些人需要遵守《诚信合规手册》Who need to comply with the Code of Integrity and Compliance 53

(三)如何遵守与使用《诚信合规手册》How to comply with and use the Code of Integrity and Compliance 54

(四)违反《诚信合规手册》将面临什么后果The consequences of violating the Code of Integrity and Compliance 55

(五)举报与调查Reporting and investigation 56

附件:合规承诺函Annex: Compliance Commitment Letter 7


Chairman's Statements


Since the establishment of TBEA in 1988, from a small street factory on the verge of bankruptcy, through the continuous struggle of several generations, TBEA has become a large science and technology enterprise in the fields of power transmission and transformation engineering, energy, new energy and new materials, and an international enterprise based in China and serving the world. In order to safeguard the vital interests of each of us and promote the healthy development of the Company, we must put integrity, integrity and compliance on the top priority position.


In the past years, TBEA has made remarkable progress in compliance and responsible business practices. The Code of Integrity and Compliance signifies that TBEA will continue to strive for even greater progress by making huge effort. To this end, there is still much to be done, however, we expect everyone will abide by the principles stipulated in this Code of Integrity and Compliance in all aspects of daily work and continue to contribute to the development and growth of TBEA.


In addition to reaffirming our values, this Code of Integrity and Compliance is intended to provide plain language and practical guidance in guiding you understand the business ethics and compliance requirements for learning integrity and honesty, and to direct you in acting properly and appropriately, as required for establishing a mutually-trustable business relationship between TBEA and its stakeholders.



Please read this Code carefully and make sure to practice and encourage others to follow it. We encourage you to identify and report any non-compliance around you. We are proud to work side by side with you toward our common goal: to establish a connected, safe, and prosperous world. Please join us in focusing on what really matters: acting with integrity, maintaining our values, and protecting the best interests of the Company.

特变电工股份有限公司董事长 张新

Chairman of the Board, TBEA Co., Ltd.

